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The premise of homeopathic treatment is based on "treating the disease itself, not the symptoms." This thinking applies specifically to diseases and skin problems. Skin rashes, allergies, and rashes were believed to be deeper manifestations or symptoms of disease within the body; therefore, topical applications of creams and lotions are not the recommended forms of treatment, as they would only suppress symptoms, not cure the disease itself.
Homeopathic medicine for skin disease takes into account the total factors that cause the symptoms. All skin diseases are not "superficial", but go much further; Many allergies and skin infections are the result of the body's reaction to certain situations such as anxiety, stress, depression, anemia, vitamin or mineral deficiency, etc. The skin is a natural outlet for eliminating toxic substances just as sweat is eliminated through the pores of sweat on the skin.
This more natural, non-suppressive form of treatment is said to cure even the most serious skin disorders and diseases like eczema, hives, lichens, psoriasis, etc. It is a well known fact that the raw materials and substances used in homeopathic medicine for skin diseases contain known poisons; However, the preparation of homeopathic medicine is a complex process called 'potentiating' that involves dilution of the original substance in series, so that there is hardly any trace of the original substance or 'poison' that can cause side effects or risks.
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