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When the stomach lining is inflamed, irritated, or infected, it is called gastritis. The condition can be chronic or acute. It is generally chronic among people with extreme cases of iron deficiency. Any type of stomach disorder can disrupt the regular functioning of the digestive system and can lead to other physical disorders, including ulcers. Gastritis symptoms can be worsened by eating rich and spicy foods. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid hot foods. Here are some natural homeopathic remedies to cure gastritis.
Coconut: coconut water is an effective remedy; It allows the stomach to rest while providing the necessary minerals and vitamins. Drinking coconut water only during the initial stage of gastritis can go a long way in curing the condition.
Rice: Acute cases of gastritis can be cured by eating rice porridge. A cup taken twice a day can help improve the chewing of food in the stomach by promoting the flow of gastric juices.
Buttermilk: A mixture of curd, buttermilk, cumin water and asafoetida can be very beneficial for those with gastritis.
Water: Drink plenty of water daily. Drink at least eight large glasses of water a day.
Potato: Potato juice has been shown to relieve gastritis. Drink half a cup of potato juice half an hour before meals, at least 2-3 times a day.
Garlic: For immediate relief from gastritis, take 2 pieces of garlic and roll it in dry, seedless grapes. This provides quick relief from discomfort caused by the condition.
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